Parent's Escape Night

We now offer a Parent's Escape Night every Friday night from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. You can drop your kids off and we will do a fun project while you can go enjoy dinner or a movie or whatever you desire. I understand some movies won't get out in time for you to get back by 9:00, but this is just a guideline. If you go to a movie, I just ask that you tell me which one so that I will know when it is over and when to expect you. Call for more details. 405-742-1663

Couple's Night of Dinner & Creativity

We are going to start having a Couple's Night of Dinner and Creativity one Thursday a month. The first one will be Thursday June 23rd. It will go from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. Dinner will be from Freddie Paul's Steakhouse. There is limited space, so please call for more details and sign up today! 405-742-1663